[Live-devel] Streaming a live audio source (stdin) over unicast

Karl Dalen k_dal2 at hotmail.com
Thu Jul 10 20:17:59 PDT 2008

Thanks a lot for your help
> Remember that - because you're reading from a single input source - 
> you must also change "reuseFirstSource" to "True".

I have modified that in testOnDemandRTSPServer without
any change in the results.

Is it possible that testOnDemandRTSPServer does some fseek, ftell
that may not work for stdin. By adding some diagnostics output
I noticed in WAVAudioFileSource.cpp that function:

gets called twice when using testOnDemandRTSPServer and it just hangs
after the second call when reading from stdin. Could it be that since this
is stdin and the header can only be read once it doesn't get the expected wav stream.
Using testWAVAudioStreamer  causes only a single call to the the above function.

> The problem is probably that the output from your audio input device 
> - unlike ".wav" files - does not begin with WAV file headers. 
> Therefore the "WAVAudioFileSource" code can't set the appropriate 
> parameters (number of channels, samplng frequency, bit rate) for the 
> audio stream.

I think I have taken care of that. I did modify the header output of audiorecord
to match with the wav header format that WAVAudioFileSource.cpp expects
and I can run testWAVAudioStreamer (multicast) successfully:

% audiorecord -p mic -T wav |  testWAVAudioStreamer
and I can run:
% audiorecord -p mic -T wav > tmp.wav
% cat tmp.wav |  testWAVAudioStreamer

and listen to it using:
mplayer rtsp:// -vo null -af volume=13.1:0

So I believe it may not be a wav header format issue.
 I suppose it's not as simple as just changing the IP in
destinationAddress.s_addr to make testWAVAudioStreamer  unicast ?



> -- 
> Ross Finlayson
> Live Networks, Inc.
> http://www.live555.com/
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