[Live-devel] Parsing MPEG TS

Ross Finlayson finlayson at live555.com
Sat Mar 22 00:17:40 PDT 2008

>I'm trying to acquire a MPEG TS over UDP. But I realized that the 
>MPEGDemux uses a MPEGProgramStreamParser that's why it won't work.
>To the best of my understanding I don't think there is a MPEG TS 
>parser in livemedia, is that true?

The closest thing that we have to a 'MPEG TS parser' is 
"MPEG2TransportStreamFramer", which is (quoting the header file):

// A filter that passes through (unchanged) chunks that contain an 
integral number
// of MPEG-2 Transport Stream packets, but returning (in 
// an updated estimate of the time gap between chunks.

Ross Finlayson
Live Networks, Inc.
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