[Live-devel] Using Live555 libraries in Visual C++ 2005

Fernando Reátegui del Aguila ferreat at gmail.com
Tue May 27 13:05:02 PDT 2008

Hello all,

I have downloaded the Live555 libraries and tested some examples. I compiled
and built the test programs using the instructions found in the web page.
Now I wanted to use the libraries in Visual C++ 2005 and I don't find the
way to do it. I followed the instructions in the same web page but that
seems to be referred for Visual C++ previous to the 2005 version, because of
the WorkSpace thing that I don t find in the 2005 version.

I would like to know if anyone knows about a way of accomplishing this or
have any information that could be usfull and it is not posted anywhere.
Please, I would really appreciate your help.

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