[Live-devel] Problem with openRTSP

Antonella Rizzo anto.rizzo at caramail.com
Sun Nov 2 02:02:45 PST 2008

Hi Ross,
I must real time stream an MPEG1or2AudioVideo or an H.264 (video) with MP4(audio). 
So, it isn't an elementary stream. 
I want have an output url rtsp://myIp:myPort/namesession because I want provide the real time stream on demand!
My input is rtsp://sourceIP:sourcePort/namesession!

I must see my live stream (with QuickTime or VLC) and, in the same time, I must be a server to stream what I see!

My idea is pipeling openRTSP and testOnDemandRTSPServer!

Best Regards

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