[Live-devel] optimising openRTSP

Ross Finlayson finlayson at live555.com
Wed Oct 29 11:33:51 PDT 2008

>if it is 16 * 20 * 32 KB means 10 MBps. I am having gigE network.
>My problem is openRTSP consuming lots of cpu so I am unable to run other s/w.

12% (especially for 16 instances of the application) is *not* a lot 
of CPU, by any measure.

>  What is this "ReorderingPacketBuffer." function doing?

It is doing very little (especially if, as is usually the case, the 
incoming RTP packets have not been reordered by the network).  This 
is a complete Red Herring.

As I noted in my earlier message, your packet loss problem is likely 
caused by insufficient OS buffering for incoming packets.

Ross Finlayson
Live Networks, Inc.

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