[Live-devel] Multicast to RTSP

Ross Finlayson finlayson at live555.com
Thu Apr 9 18:06:12 PDT 2009

>I've been trying to setup multicast to rtsp server for some time now.
>However, I find difficulties. My idea is to modify
>testOnDemandRTSPServer to read from stdin (which i did successfully)

Don't forget to also set the "reuseFirstSource" variable to "True".

>and use something like this mcas2stdout $mcast_group $port |
>testOnDemandRTSPServer. I use VLC to stream to the multicast group.
>When I try "cat file.ts | testOnDemandRTSPServer"

Note, you don't need to use "cat" here.  Instead, use
	testOnDemandRTSPServer < file.ts

>all works like a
>charm. When I start streaming file.ts with VLC (prefer UDP over RTP)
>and "mcast2stdout | testOnDemandRTSPServer" i see nothing. My
>mutlicast reading program works.

Does the following work:

mcast2stdout > test.ts
testOnDemandRTSPServer (using the original, unmodified code)

If not, then there's a problem with your "mcast2stdout" application.

If this does work, then try the following:

mcast2stdout > file.ts
testOnDemandRTSPServer < file.ts (using your new, modified code)

>My concern is that i probably need to "unpacket" whatever is comming
>from the multicast group and then send it to

No.  If the incoming data really is MPEG Transport Stream data, then 
you should be able to pipe it directly into your modifiled 

Ross Finlayson
Live Networks, Inc.

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