[Live-devel] Multiple sources question

Ivo Vachkov ivo.vachkov at gmail.com
Mon Apr 27 08:48:40 PDT 2009

Hello all,

By reading testOnDemandRTSPServer.cpp i figured out that I can have
different ServerMediaSessions and add subsession to each one. However,
it proves to be a bit more complex than that when i comes to network
sources. I have the following code:

const int channels = 128;

struct Stream {
	string protocol;
	string address;
	string port;
	string stream;

	RTPSink *videoSink;
	struct in_addr inputAddress;
	Port *inputPort;
	Groupsock *inputGroupsock;
	ServerMediaSession *sms;

int num_streams = 0;
Stream streams[channels];

... to represent a number of multicast streams i would like to
restream over rtsp. And later on in my code I initialise those like

	for (int i = 0; i < num_streams; i++) {
		cout << streams[i].stream << streams[i].address << streams[i].port << endl;

		streams[i].inputAddress.s_addr = our_inet_addr(streams[i].address.c_str());
		streams[i].inputPort = new Port(atoi(streams[i].port.c_str()));

		unsigned char const inputTTL = 0;

		streams[i].inputGroupsock = new Groupsock(*env,
streams[i].inputAddress, *streams[i].inputPort, inputTTL);
		streams[i].videoSink = SimpleRTPSink::createNew(*env,
streams[i].inputGroupsock, 33, 90000, "video", "mp2t", 1, True, True
/*no 'M' bit*/);

		streams[i].sms = ServerMediaSession::createNew(*env,
streams[i].stream.c_str(), streams[i].stream.c_str(),

		announceStream(rtspServer, streams[i].sms,
streams[i].stream.c_str(), streams[i].stream.c_str());

With one source everything is working fine. However when I have
several multicast sources I get them overlapping on every rtsp url.
For some reason (I guess in my code :) ) different multicast streams
don't go to different sessions. All packets go to all sessions and it
becomes a complete mess.

Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

P.S. I know the source is messy. I'm trying to prove a concept.

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