[Live-devel] Still working on a h264 framer

Ross Finlayson finlayson at live555.com
Thu Jan 29 23:35:37 PST 2009

>>First of all : what would be the most elegant solution to parse the 
>>SPS/PPS in order to get the correct sprop_parameter_sets_str 
>>parameter ?
>You need to convert these (binary) NAL units into ASCII character 
>strings, using Base-4 encoding.

Of course, I meant Base-64 encoding.

>  We provide a function "base64Encode()" that you can use to do this.
>To understand how the "sprop_parameter_sets" string is formed, I 
>suggest looking at the code for our function 
>"parseSPropParameterSets()", which does the opposite (parse an ASCII 
>string into binary NAL units).

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