[Live-devel] UTP to RTP

Andrew Umlauf andrew_umlauf at yahoo.com
Thu Jul 30 07:43:36 PDT 2009

I am trying to configure an app to take a UDP source and stream it via RTP. However, I cannot get it to work. When I trace through the code, I find that on line 155 of MPEGVideoStreamFramer.cpp, aquiredFrameSize is never greater than 0.

The following is my code:


#include "liveMedia.hh"
#include "BasicUsageEnvironment.hh"
#include "GroupsockHelper.hh"

MediaSource* videoSource;

void afterPlaying(void*);

int main()
	TaskScheduler* scheduler = BasicTaskScheduler::createNew();
	UsageEnvironment*env = BasicUsageEnvironment::createNew(*scheduler);

	//Create our sink variables...
	char const* destinationAddrStr = "";
	const unsigned char ttl = 7;
	const Port rtpPort(8888);
	struct in_addr destinationAddress;
	destinationAddress.s_addr = our_inet_addr(destinationAddrStr);
	Groupsock rtpGroupsock(*env, destinationAddress, rtpPort, ttl);
	//Create our sink...
	RTPSink* videoSink = MPEG1or2VideoRTPSink::createNew(*env, &rtpGroupsock);
	if(videoSink == NULL){
		*env << "Unable to create sink \n";

	//Create our source variables...
	char const* srcAddrStr = "";
	struct in_addr srcAddress;
	srcAddress.s_addr = our_inet_addr(srcAddrStr);
	const Port udpPort(1234);
	Groupsock udpGroupsock(*env, srcAddress, udpPort, ttl);
	//Create our source...
	FramedSource* input = BasicUDPSource::createNew(*env, &udpGroupsock);
	if (input == NULL) {
		*env << "Unable to open source \n";

	//Create our framer...
	videoSource = MPEG1or2VideoStreamFramer::createNew(*env, input);

	//Start to stream the data....
	videoSink->startPlaying(*videoSource, afterPlaying, videoSink);

	return 0;

void afterPlaying(void*) {


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