[Live-devel] H263 live encoder source

Ross Finlayson finlayson at live555.com
Thu Jul 30 10:41:06 PDT 2009

>I've an application which gets images from a webcam, then live 
>encode them. I need to live stream this to a mobile device via a 
>live555server. How can i manage this input stream (based on socket 
>comm between the two apps) in live555?could BasicUDPSource the class 
>which reads from the buffer?

It could, if your input is UDP packets.  However, it'd be far better 
to have your input source be just an unstructured byte stream (i.e., 
a device file, a pipe, or a TCP connection).  Then you could use 

>  May I use H263plusVideoStreamFramer as framer for the H263 stream??

If (and only if) your input is a byte stream.  If, instead, it's a 
sequence of discrete frames, then you would need a new class 
"H263plusVideoStreamDiscreteFramer" (which you would need to write) 

Ross Finlayson
Live Networks, Inc.

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