[Live-devel] transmission delay using Live555

Ross Finlayson finlayson at live555.com
Wed Mar 25 05:52:05 PDT 2009

>I have successfully transmit live MPEG4 video using Live555, but have
>a problem.
>I connect the IP camera to a monitor, and a dsp evaluation board too.
>The video in the VLC player is almost delayed 2 second than the video
>in the monitor.
>where can i modify the source code to reduce the transmission time?

You can't, because there is no significant delay in the "LIVE555 
Streaming Media" code - at either the sending end or the receiving 
(VLC) end.

However, VLC does have a separate jitter buffer that - by default - 
adds 1.2 seconds (1200 ms) at the receiving end.  You can reduce this 
by changing VLC's
value (ms)
option.  Note, though, that if you reduce this value too much, your 
image quality (in VLC) might suffer.

Also, you haven't said how you are transferring video data from your 
camera into our "MPEG4VideoStreamDiscreteFramer" class.  Perhaps 
there is some delay there - e.g., if you are usng an OS pipe, then 
you might be able to reduce its buffer size also.

Ross Finlayson
Live Networks, Inc.

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