[Live-devel] Meadia Server on VS 2005 or 2008

Patrick White patbob at imoveinc.com
Thu May 28 09:46:46 PDT 2009

On Wednesday 27 May 2009 11:21 am, Jeremy Noring wrote:
> If I have time, I may try to do this today, since I need this sort of
> functionality for debugging symbols, debug/release builds, x64 support,
> integration into our project, etc.  I'll let you know if I have any
> success.

We needed the same thing, and found a way to generate the PDB files as live555 
builds.  Unfortunately, it required mods to the shared build files.

Basically, the changes were:

*) add something like "/Fd$(LIBNAME)D.pdb" to the COMPILE_OPTS in the 
win32config file.  We made two win32config files -- one that's used for 
release and doesn't have the option (because we don't want/need PDB files for 
release builds) and one for debug that does include it.

*) Modify Makefile.head in each project to set a LIBNAME variable to the name 
of the library being generated.  Here's an example from the groupsock 

Recompile and you'll get PDB files generated next to the libraries.  We move 
them all into a libs directory for convenience.

*) To use them, I ended up copying them into the dir where we have the 
compiler put all the generated DLLs, libs and EXEs.

What I found was that the PDB files could not be renamed.  They could be 
moved, but must remain by their original name in oprder for Visual Studio to 
be able to use them.  That's why I had to modify the Makefile.head files to 
have a different LIBNAME in each -- I couldn't generate the PDB files by the 
same name for each project and later rename them, and there seemed to be no 
other place to quickly and easily get the lib name from.  The "D" on the end 
of the PDB file name is not really needed, its an artifact of our dev 

hope that helps,

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