[Live-devel] "TEARDOWN" not work when using RTP-over-TCP

自由自在 sharkeye at qq.com
Sat Oct 31 05:37:09 PDT 2009

I use this version: live.2008.12.20.tar.gz
 RTSPServer work fine when using RTP-over-UDP
 But when I use RTP-over-TCP: 
 rtspClient->setupMediaSubsession(*mediaSubsession, False, True)
 RTSPServer can recognise "SETUP" and "PLAY" methods and start sending data to client.
 After that, when rtspClient send "TEARDOWN" method to RTSPServer, the RTSPServer can't 
 recognise and process "TEARDOWN" method to stop send data to client.
 Is it a bug in live555? And how can I "TEARDOWN" the stream when using RTP-over-TCP ?
 Sorry for my poor english, but I think you can understand above :-)
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