[Live-devel] How to stream an h263 encoded video file

Zelalem Sintayehu zelalems at hotmail.com
Mon Apr 5 05:37:15 PDT 2010

Hi all, I was trying to create an rtsp proxy to send rtsp requests on behalf of other clients. Anyway, I followed the discussion on the another post on this forum to change the RTSPServer.cpp file to allow the setting of destination field and made LIVE555 server do what I really wanted. The problem I am having now is the server sends the stream to my clients properly but the client only has h263 codec and doesn't . But as I have seen the logs of Live555 the file types that it support are 'mpg' and m4e. And I couldn't convert my videos to mpg (with h263). So I suspected that mpg file can't contain h263. So, is there anyway that I can play a file with h263 codec video content. I used ffmpeg to convert my files to mpg (but couldn't succeed to create a file with h263 encoded video).

Thank you.

- Zelalem S. 

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