[Live-devel] RTP over HTTP

Shyam Narayanan snarayanan at a2etechnologies.com
Tue Aug 3 14:04:27 PDT 2010

Hi LIVE555-ians

I have already read the various articles of comparisons of TCP vs UDP for RTP and I understand the differences. 

What I am looking for is

a. Has anyone tried the LIVE555 code running it as a server successfully for RTP over HTTP for compressed live video (such as H.264 coming from a camera - not just playing off a disk and not just uncompresssed video) ? 

If so,
b. What was your experience - did you notice any video quality issues - or any other difference from playing it over UDP ?

c. Did you need to make any changes to the LIVE555 code to get this to work or did the existing code base work out of the box ?

d. Can I use a generic client such as VLC player to play this stream or would I need to write a program that uses code similar to the OpenRTSP client with -t switch.


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