[Live-devel] live555 rtsp server

Ross Finlayson finlayson at live555.com
Fri Jul 9 05:01:33 PDT 2010

>the code in your project
>void sendRTPOverTCP(unsigned char* packet, unsigned packetSize,
>                     int socketNum, unsigned char streamChannelId)
>if the ::send return error. you mean it is the os configuration's problem?

Perhaps.  What error(s) are the "send()" calls returning (i.e., what 
"errno" values)?

It's possible that your problem could be fixed (or at least reduced) 
by increasing the OS's internal buffer for sending data on the 
streams' sockets.  You can do this by calling 
"increaseSendBufferTo()".  Note that - by default - a 50 kByte buffer 
is used (see "RTSPServer.cpp"), but you could increase this.

However, even this might not be enough if the failures are occurring 
because of excessive network congestion - if the combined bitrates of 
your output streams exceed the capacity of your network.  If that's 
the case, then there's nothing you can do.

Ross Finlayson
Live Networks, Inc.

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