[Live-devel] testOnDemandRTSPServer RTP/TCP problem

Andrea Ricciardi a.ricciardi at fastwebnet.it
Thu Jun 3 04:03:08 PDT 2010

I'm developing a custom subclass of OnDemandServerMediaSubsession for a 
video encoder, and I have integrated it into the testOnDemandRTSPServer 
application. I noticed that when I try to open multiple VLC windows for 
viewing the stream (I have reuseFirstSource set to True), I can open up to 8 
windows using UDP (after that the PC starts loosing frames), while if I use 
TCP as soon as I open the second window, both videos start to behave badly 
and often stop for many seconds.
I thought the problem was in my class but then I tried streaming a small 
mpeg4 video instead of the video encoder, and opening 10 windows was ok with 
UDP but showed the same problem with TCP (it took more windows, probably 
because the bitrate is much lower than the video encoder one).
Is it a know problem of Livemedia, can you replicate it? Or maybe the 
problem is in VLC? (I cross compile Livemedia for ARM and run VLC 1.0.5 
under windows 7)
Thanks a lot,



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