[Live-devel] R: "GET_PARAMETER" as a client 'liveness' indicator

Trotti Matteo matteo.trotti at elsagdatamat.com
Mon May 3 01:02:15 PDT 2010

You have to schedule a dummy task which get called at a given time interval inside the EventLoop.


Create a task where you will just issue a GET_PARAMETER command


and after that, simply re-schedule the task itself with a given time interval


Now just call the task for the first time before starting the EventLoop.



Matteo Trotti

Videosurveillance Lab

Elsag Datamat Spa

Genova, Italy


Da: live-devel-bounces at ns.live555.com [mailto:live-devel-bounces at ns.live555.com] Per conto di Stéphane Le Jeune
Inviato: lunedì 26 aprile 2010 15.20
A: live-devel at ns.live555.com
Oggetto: [Live-devel] "GET_PARAMETER" as a client 'liveness' indicator



I read that openRTSP can send GET_PARAMETER as keepAlive (or client liveness indicator) but nothing in the source code show that (in RTSPClient.cpp). During our session, the timeout is sent by the video server in the RTSP SETUP response and catched by openRTSP, but nothing append then when the time expired. 

Why no behavior has been developped ? 

Is there any player that can be able to send GET_PARAMETER in place of RTCP "RR" packet ?


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