[Live-devel] Non loop behaviour on live555

Sergio Arroutbi sarroutbi at sepsa.es
Wed Nov 24 02:49:45 PST 2010


I am trying to develop a program that gets the stream from an Axis cam 
and shows it on the screen.

For some reasons, I am interested in painting via SDL with ffmpeg 
decoding, so as far as the program is concerned, it needs  the 
information of each H.264 frame arriving in the stream.

I have developed a parallel sink class that, instead of writing to file, 
keeps the frame in memory.

I would like to know if there is a way to call to the event attending 
procedures without looping, I mean:

  // Rest of my things I need could be performed here

instead of

 env->taskScheduler.doEventLoop() // No way of doing "intermediate actions"

Thanks a lot for your help

Sergio Arroutbi.

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