[Live-devel] LiveMedia in a Directshow Filter

Ross Finlayson finlayson at live555.com
Mon Nov 29 07:33:38 PST 2010

>       fWatchVariable = 0;
>       dummyTask(NULL); // 100ms
>       env->taskScheduler().doEventLoop(&fWatchVariable);
>       if (fWatchVariable = 1)
>       {
>             printf("\nIn While fWatchVariable=%d,",fWatchVariable);
>             if (!mP4LiveSms->mpeg4LiveSource != NULL)
>                               mP4LiveSms->mpeg4LiveSource->deliverFrame();
>       }

Note that you don't need to test for "if (fWatchVariable == 1)", 
because we return from "doEventLoop()" only if "fWatchVariable" is 
not 0.  (I presume that you have some other thread - not running 
LIVE555 code - that is setting "fWatchVariable" to 1 when new data 
becomes available.)

>RTSPClientSession[00E79B20]::handleRequestBytes() read 0 new bytes 
>(of 9836); te
>rminating connection!

This is strange.  Your client's TCP connection (for RTSP) has 
unexpectedly ended.  This might not have anything to do with your 
server's new code.

I suggest that you first try to run the *unmodified* 
"testOnDemandRTSPServer" demo application on your system - streaming 
from a MPEG-4 Elementary Stream Video - i.e., ".m4e" - file.  Only 
when you get this running correctly, then you can try modifying it to 
stream from another kind of input source object.

Ross Finlayson
Live Networks, Inc.
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