[Live-devel] Many multicast sources with same port problem

Ross Finlayson finlayson at live555.com
Mon Sep 20 23:29:30 PDT 2010

>here is a little feedback, just tried this on OS X 10.5, 
>same behavior, sources mix if on same port.
>With all due respect, its rather strange that all Linux Kernels (2.4 
>and 2.6), Windows and OS X (which is somewhat BSD based) are all 

OK, so the problem with your application is apparently not due to the 
OS multicast bug after all.  This has been a 'wild goose chase'.

Because your problem seems to occur only with your application, I'm 
not going to waste any more of my time (or the mailing list's time) 
on this anymore.  We can't help people with their own 
application-specific problems.  Sorry.

This topic is now closed.

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