[Live-devel] Live555 EventLoop crash

David J Myers david.myers at panogenics.com
Wed Dec 14 13:10:58 PST 2011

>That error message indicates that your input source object did not set
"fFrameSize" properly.  In particular, it set it to a value greater than
"fMaxSize" - bad!


>A data source object *must* check "fMaxSize" before delivering data and
setting "fFrameSize".


Ok, this is surely what I'm doing wrong, but I don't quite understand what
happens to the truncated bytes  when the frame is bigger than fMaxSize, they
seem to just get thrown away. Does fMaxSize change each time? DeliverFrame
will get called again immediately but this will get  the next frame. Don't
we need to send the rest of the frame on the next call to DeliverFrame? Am I
missing something obvious here, sorry?  - David

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