[Live-devel] StreamState and afterPlayingStreamState function

edi87 at fibertel.com.ar edi87 at fibertel.com.ar
Tue Jan 4 08:17:11 PST 2011


I'm now fighting with this.
I added some debug information on afterPlayingStreamState static function:

if( streamState->mediaSource()->isMPEG1or2VideoStreamFramer() == True ){
      fprintf(stdout, "TEST: streamState->mediaSource()->isMPEG1or2VideoStreamFramer() = True\n");
      fprintf(stdout, "TEST: streamState->mediaSource()->isMPEG1or2VideoStreamFramer() = False\n");

I'm playing an Audio+Video MPEG and I found that this function just got executed by one of those frames, never both.

I mean, I start playing the MPEG, when it ends, it just prints:
"TEST: streamState->mediaSource()->isMPEG1or2VideoStreamFramer() = False"

Appear that only the audio frame call the function when it ends, but the video frame never call it... is that something fine? it shouldn't got executed by both framers?

Thanks in advance,


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