[Live-devel] RTP over TCP bugs

Ralf Globisch rglobisch at csir.co.za
Mon Jul 18 01:30:03 PDT 2011

Hi Ross,

Thanks for your response.

>I'm not interested in any alleged server bug, unless the server is
>running an up-to-date version of our software (in which case it
>doesn't matter what version of our software the client is running, or
>whether or not the client is using the synchronous or asynchronous

Ok, thanks, point made. We are in the process of  updating our server
code base to the latest version of the live555. The term *bug* was
perhaps inappropriate in the title.

>interface).  Similarly, I'm not interested in any alleged client bug,
>unless the client is running an up-to-date version of our software
>(in which case it doesn't matter what version of our software the
>server is running).

Since you stated that it doesn't matter what version the server is running:

Perhaps I didn't express myself clear enough. It is for that exact
reason, that I replicated the client problem using only an *unmodifed*
openRTSP client using the *latest* version of LiveMedia.
The accompanying stack trace (if you can call it that) was from obtained
running the openRTSP client.

I was able to (quickly) replicate the problem multiple times by resetting
the ADSL router. However, the problem occurs in practice without
needing to do this, since the Internet infrastructure in South Africa
is unreliable/not as advanced as in the US/Europe.
It just takes longer for it to happen (from minutes to hours).

FWIW, I will try to replicate this when connecting openRTSP to
the standard Live555 RTSP server.

>Referring to old archived email messages usually doesn't help,
>because the problems referred to in those emails either weren't real,
>or else should have been fixed in later versions of the code.

Agree. Please accept my apology. (at the time of writing I thought the
second reference was valid since it was from a fairly recent discussion)
However profiling the code, showed that it clearly wasn't relevant.

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