[Live-devel] live555 latency

Jeff Shanab jshanab at smartwire.com
Thu Jun 9 05:43:21 PDT 2011

By latency do you mean how long time before it starts to display or do you mean the video is 10 seconds behind. Being recorded, this is obviously hard to see unless you record a clock and see if the first 10 seconds are there and late or just plain dropped.

VLC has a large buffer and if the file fails to give the info up front that it needs, then it starts trying to decode. If keyframes are every few seconds and it is forced to chew on a few frames until it can decode one, I could see it taking this long. Indeed, I Have seen it.

I would grab a program called madedit if you are on windows or xedit and inspect the file looking for the nal units and see if you have the pattern [7][8][5][1][1][1]  or if has [2] and [6]'s in there or no [7] and [8]. (In my file I search for the binary 00 00 01 and look at the next byte, the lower nibble is the nal unit type

Perhaps vlc -vvv  file.h264,  which will give you a play-by-play, may give hints of something it is doing that the other code is not.


-----Original Message-----
From: live-devel-bounces at ns.live555.com [mailto:live-devel-bounces at ns.live555.com] On Behalf Of Ross Finlayson
Sent: Wednesday, June 08, 2011 10:12 PM
To: LIVE555 Streaming Media - development & use
Subject: Re: [Live-devel] live555 latency

>I use live555 mediaserver and VLC player.
>When I play a 264 file (slamtv60.264), it gets about 10 sec latency.
>My VLC play have 1.2 sec latency. Does any other source cause the latency?

I don't know why you're seeing 10 second latency; I don't see this when I try streaming/playing the same file.

The only thing I can think of is that perhaps the latency is occurring inside your network somewhere - e.g., in a firewall and/or router somewhere between the server and client.  I suggest that you first try streaming/playing the file on the same local network.

Ross Finlayson
Live Networks, Inc.
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