[Live-devel] Aborting RTSP session

Jeff Shanab jshanab at smartwire.com
Wed Nov 23 13:29:33 PST 2011

I have a problematic encoder that goes thru the entire rtsp conversation and then if it has no video sends a BYE request after 30 seconds.
I am trying to figure out how I can abort this process. It looks like after live555 sends the PLAY request , it is in the event loop (which has a fast freq) waiting fro an event.
I suppose I need to create an event on a timeout and send the event to break the loop.

I also see a start and end argument all the way down to the sendPlayCommand, but They are always set to 0 and -1 and I couldn't find documentation.

Can someone point me to documentation for doing this? The lib is used in a browser plugin and it needs to shut down quicly if someone jumps to different page.
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