[Live-devel] Patch suggestion for network send error notification

Ralf Globisch rglobisch at csir.co.za
Tue Oct 4 05:11:44 PDT 2011

Hi Ross,

Please would you consider adding this patch (or a variation thereof)
into the source tree.

Currently there is no way to notify the application layer if a socket
send error occurs.
The patch addresses this by allowing the registration of a callback
handler on the RTP sink.

We use this functionality in our system to kick clients that have insufficient
bandwidth to sustain the media session.

Testing of the patch:
- The patch has been tested over the period of about two months on an
internal test system
- We only considered the RTSP over TCP use case
- During testing the client's TCP receiver buffer would typically fill first
(after constraining the available network bandwidth), followed by the
TCP send buffer filling on the server, followed by a send failure, at
which point the callback handler is triggered that allows application
developers to handle this if so desired.

Patched against the current version of live555. (2011-09-19) with "diff -Naur".

Best regards,
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