[Live-devel] Error RTSP PLAY failed RTSP response was truncated. Increase RTSPClient::responseBufferSize

Ross Finlayson finlayson at live555.com
Thu Dec 20 17:01:48 PST 2012

First, when you reply to a mailing list 'Digest', please correct the "Subject:" line of your message (as I have done here), and trim the quoted message in your response.

> I have builded the vlc with the live555 new version, unfortunately I have new error, no data received in 10s

That error message (from VLC) usually means that - somewhere between your client (VLC) and your server - there is a firewall that is blocking RTP/UDP packets.  However, because you also note that:

> The computers, server and client, are in the same network, the configuration of the network is ok.

This suggests that something may be wrong with your server.  Unfortunately, it's hard for us to help you with 'custom' server applications; instead, you should start by running the supplied 'demo' server applications "testOnDemandRTSPServer" and "live555MediaServer" (built using the latest version of our software).  Also, because VLC is not our software, you should instead begin by using the 'demo' client applications "testRTSPClient" and "openRTSP".

Ross Finlayson
Live Networks, Inc.

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