[Live-devel] Parser for sprop-parameter-sets at desribe response to get width- height...

Novalis Vapuru 6.45.vapuru at gmail.com
Fri Jan 6 04:09:54 PST 2012


I check video stream  width  height  from subsession
scs.subsession->videoHeight(), scs.subsession->videoHeight()...

They give me right dimesions for server which desribe response include
"a=x-dimensions:%d,%d", &width, &height)"...

But they give wrong value ( 0) for server which does NOT  include
"a=x-dimensions:%d,%d", &width, &height)"... but INCLUDES
"sprop-parameter-sets......."...[ for h264 stream]...

So i have to parse that subsession->fSpropParameterSets to get width..
Is there a parser for  fSpropParameterSets parameter s in Live555
which i can extract video with height...

Best Wishes

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