[Live-devel] Parser for sprop-parameter-sets at desribe response to get width- height...

Ross Finlayson finlayson at live555.com
Mon Jan 9 15:41:48 PST 2012

> I check video stream  width  height  from subsession
> scs.subsession->videoHeight(), scs.subsession->videoHeight()...
> They give me right dimesions for server which desribe response include
> "a=x-dimensions:%d,%d", &width, &height)"...
> But they give wrong value ( 0) for server which does NOT  include
> "a=x-dimensions:%d,%d", &width, &height)"

Exactly.  The "MediaSubsession::videoHeight()" and "MediaSubsession::videoWidth()" member functions (and other "MediaSession" member functions) return the values that were obtained by parsing the stream's SDP description.  If, however, the corresponding fields are not in the stream's SDP description, then 'null' values will be returned instead.

> So i have to parse that subsession->fSpropParameterSets to get width..

Yes.  Just as you have to parse this, and all of the other NAL units if you want to decode and play the H.264 video.

> Is there a parser for  fSpropParameterSets parameter s in Live555
> which i can extract video with height...


Ross Finlayson
Live Networks, Inc.

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