[Live-devel] Porting of live555 Streaming on Windows CE

Ross Finlayson finlayson at live555.com
Tue Jul 24 08:36:54 PDT 2012

> The problem with _fileno is that it returns "void *" and
> "makeSocketNonBlocking" and "turnOffBackgroundReadHandling"takes a "socket"
> parameter that is defined as "int".

Note the difference between "fileno()" - a standard C library function that should always returns an "int" (even, I hope, on WinCE) - and "_fileno()" (i.e., with a preceding "_"), which is a Windows-specific function which we use only in Windows-specific code (in the files "InputFile.cpp" and "OutputFile.cpp").  Note also that we use "_fileno()" only inside other Windows-specific functions "_setmode()", "_lseeki64()", and "_telli64()", so I'm surprised if you're seeing problems there.

So is the problem only with "_fileno()" (in which case, please propose a patch to the Windows-specific code in "InputFile.cpp" and "OutputFile.cpp")?

Or are you saying that Microsoft has redefined the return type of the standard C library function "fileno()" as well??

Ross Finlayson
Live Networks, Inc.

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