[Live-devel] issue with testOnDemandRTSPServer

i m what i m ~~~~ trn200190 at gmail.com
Wed May 16 04:46:34 PDT 2012

Hello Ross
 I am using your testOnDemandRTSPServer.cpp in which i am using the
following part:-
 // A MPEG-2 Transport Stream, coming from a live UDP (raw-UDP or RTP/UDP)
    char const* streamName = "mpeg2TransportStreamFromUDPSourceTest";
    char const* inputAddressStr = "";
        // This causes the server to take its input from the stream sent by
the "testMPEG2TransportStreamer" demo application.
        // (Note: If the input UDP source is unicast rather than multicast,
then change this to NULL.)
    portNumBits const inputPortNum = 1234;
        // This causes the server to take its input from the stream sent by
the "testMPEG2TransportStreamer" demo application.
    Boolean const inputStreamIsRawUDP = False;
    ServerMediaSession* sms
      = ServerMediaSession::createNew(*env, streamName, streamName,
               ::createNew(*env, inputAddressStr, inputPortNum,

    char* url = rtspServer->rtspURL(sms);
    *env << "\n\"" << streamName << "\" stream, from a UDP Transport Stream
input source \n\t(";
    if (inputAddressStr != NULL) {
      *env << "IP multicast address " << inputAddressStr << ",";
    } else {
      *env << "unicast;";
    *env << " port " << inputPortNum << ")\n";
    *env << "Play this stream using the URL \"" << url << "\"\n";
    delete[] url;

for this application i first run the "*testMPEG2TransportStreamer.exe*" ant
then run this *testOnDemandRTSPServer.cpp*,it works well for rtsp streaming
then i added the *RTSPServerSupportingHTTPStreaming.cpp* and *ByteStream.cpp
* then i again ran the *testMPEG2TransportStreamer.exe* and then the *
testOnDemandRTSPServer.exe* including the* tunneling file *now when i try
to receive the data through*
*my vlc player says:-
VLC is unable to open the MRL.*
*Do i have to attach any other file to the project???Am i doing something

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