[Live-devel] Media subsession lifetime

Nikolai Vorontsov nikolai.vorontsov at quadrox.be
Fri May 25 08:59:44 PDT 2012

Hello Ross,
could you please shed a little light on the following item:
I'm using testOnDemandRTSPServer-based application to stream h264
stream. The strange thing that I don't wee when the subsession is
destroyed when the client is disconnected. What I see:
xRTSPServer::lookupServerMediaSession()        looks up and creates SMS
  xRTSPServer::createNewSMS()                       so, here it creates
SMS, reuseFirstSource = false
     xMediaSubsession::xMediaSubsession()       then adds a
mediasubsession, fine
xMediaSubsession::createNewStreamSource()   it creates source
xStreamSource::~xStreamSource()                    and kills it
xRTSPServer::lookupServerMediaSession()        again lookup
(successfully this time, no new SHS creation)
xMediaSubsession::createNewStreamSource()   it creates source again
-- it starts to deliver frames here --
when the client gracefully shuts down I see:
xStreamSource::~xStreamSource()                   so, the source stream
is closed and destroyed.
But even after 10 minutes I don't see any subsession close. Do I need to
close it manually (how? who and how should call ::close(), do I need to
remove it from SMS)? Or do I need to keep the subsession?
I\ve noticed that if I connect a client again with the same request it
tries to create a new source (for the same subsession I guess).  What's
the relation between MediaSession, subsession(s) and streams? Am I right
that (assuming unicast):
MediaSession - single entity for particular let say "camera".
Subsession - one (or two if audio enabled) entities for this "camera".
Stream - practical implementation of the client connection.
Thanks in advance,
Nikolai Vorontsov
Quadrox nv
Duigemhofstraat 101
Tel: +32 16582585 <mailto:nikolai.vorontsov at quadrox.be>
Fax: +32 16582586 <http://www.quadrox.be <http://www.quadrox.be/> > 
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