[Live-devel] RTCPInstance error: Hit limit when reading incoming packet over TCP. Increase "maxRTCPPacketSize"

Ross Finlayson finlayson at live555.com
Sat Oct 13 11:32:05 PDT 2012

> I'm reading from a Sony IP cameras, I'm running:
> ./live/proxyServer/live555ProxyServer -t "rtsp://"
> I'm then trying to read the RTSP with:
> ./live/testProgs/openRTSP 'rtsp://'
> After a while, the stream freezes and I'm getting: RTCPInstance error: Hit limit when reading incoming packet over TCP. Increase "maxRTCPPacketSize"

This error message (which I presume is being printed by the proxy server, not by "openRTSP") suggests that the TCP connection is 'missing' data, presumably because send() calls by the server (over the TCP connection) have begun.  This tells you that the stream's bitrate exceeds the capacity of your TCP connection.  There is *nothing* that you can do to overcome this, other than reduce the bitrate of the stream (from your camera).

Also, as I said a few days ago (in response to another question):
Everyone needs to understand that streaming RTP-over-TCP is something that you should do *only* when you are streaming over a firewall that does not pass UDP packets.  You should not think that just because TCP is a 'reliable' transport protocol, that you can use it to ensure 100% delivery of all of the stream data.  This may happen if the stream's bitrate is less than the capacity of the TCP connection, but if the stream's bitrate exceeds the capacity of the TCP connection, then you *will* get data loss (and in an inefficient way, because it won't occur on RTP packet boundaries, as it would if you were streaming via RTP/UDP).  This is the difference between streaming and 'file/webpage downloading', for example.

Ross Finlayson
Live Networks, Inc.

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