[Live-devel] RTCPInstance error: Hit limit when reading incoming packet over TCP. Increase "maxRTCPPacketSize"

Roman Gaufman hackeron at gmail.com
Sat Oct 13 04:11:53 PDT 2012

I'm reading from a Sony IP cameras, I'm running:

./live/proxyServer/live555ProxyServer -t "rtsp://"

I'm then trying to read the RTSP with:

./live/testProgs/openRTSP 'rtsp://'

After a while, the stream freezes and I'm getting: RTCPInstance error: Hit
limit when reading incoming packet over TCP. Increase "maxRTCPPacketSize"

I tried to increase this value in live/liveMedia/RTCP.cpp:

static unsigned const maxRTCPPacketSize = 500000;

But after 10-15 minutes, I'm seeing the same error again and the stream
freezes :( - Any ideas?
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