[Live-devel] Running Live555 Media Server with large number of clients

Dennis Chan dennis.chan at myricom.com
Thu Sep 6 14:25:26 PDT 2012


I am encountering a problem while trying to connect a large number of clients to the live555 Media Server. I have a single script which executes testRTSPClient in the background every .25 seconds and connects to the server to play a stream. When the number of clients reaches around 255, however, the server stops accepting connections. Clients become stuck at the DESCRIBE request. After a few seconds, it might accept 5-10 more, but then it completely stops. I noticed that the CPU usage was at 2% for 100 clients, 30% for 200 clients, but quickly ramped up to 100% once it reached 255 clients. This is all using the supplied code (2012.08.12). Is there any particular reason for the CPU usage exponentially increasing? Is there some limit to the number of client connections that I'm missing (I have checked my file limits)?

Thank you for your time,

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