[Live-devel] [patch] make live555 playback h.264 RTSP streams from Foscam IP cameras

Daniel Peng dpeng at google.com
Thu Sep 13 10:20:54 PDT 2012

Hi folks,

I have a Foscam h.264 IP camera with a very strange RTSP-over-HTTP
server, and I wanted to get VLC to play it back.  There are two basic

1. On an OPTIONS request, the server returns HTTP 501 (Unimplemented)
but omits the Cseq.  Liblivemedia erroneously matched this to the POST
request rather than the OPTIONS request.  To fix this, don't enqueue
POST requests in fRequestsAwaitingResponse.

2.  The server returns packets bigger than 10,000 bytes.  Bump the
constant to 20,000 and also log a diagnostic when it's exceeded.

I've attached a patch.

I have a separate patch for VLC to handle the failed OPTIONS response.

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