[Live-devel] openRTSP-captured mp4 broken

Michael.Scholz at dlr.de Michael.Scholz at dlr.de
Thu Apr 11 01:38:54 PDT 2013

Moin to everybody!
I played with the testProgs for a few days under Linux and Windows and also built a custom application which is still not working as it should. The FAQ helped in the beginning but not anymore. I already get problems when recording a H264/AAC stream (1280x720, 25 fps, key frame every 1/4 s, 2048 kb/s video, 96 kb/s audio) from an ABUS network camera with:

./openRTSP -d 8 -4 -w 1280 -h 720 -f 25 -y -H rtsp:// > output_linux.mp4

Capturing works with the Linux- and Windows-compiled version, but only the Linux-mp4 is playable (playing the Windows- mp4 ffplay exits with "Invalid data found when processing input"). Though playing the Linux-mp4 with ffmpeg (ffplay) I get permanently some "no frame"-errors. Playing it with VLC the audio is cracking and runs longer than the 8 s of video. Further ffplay states that my video comes with 32.29 fps (not 25) and 2451 kb/s (not 2048). On the other hand, when I capture my stream with VLC or ffmpeg, the result is clean and nice to play with various players and the stream-properties correspond with the camera-settings.

Am I correct to think that openRTSP should transcode the raw streams correctly using the -4 option? Or is this still the point where I have to work on? Why are my files recorded under Windows not playable at all?

Thanks a lot! Michi

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