[Live-devel] pass authentication from uri from the proxy to my rtspservers?

Craig Matsuura cmatsuura at vivint.com
Wed Dec 11 23:59:56 PST 2013

I want to use the proxy server to connect to cameras in my system.
However I want to pass the user:password
from the url used to access the cameras via the proxy. For example:

If using live555proxyServer and I have a camera stream proxied via the
proxyServer. The stream has some user:password that I want to pass from
the proxied url.

My camera url is rtsp://user:pass@xx.yy.zz.aa:554/Video-0

Instead of providing the user:pass I want to do it at runtime when using
the url from the proxy.

Say the proxy says to use rtsp://, I want to use a
client that provides the user:pass to the url. Like so.

rtsp://user:pass@ and the user:pass is passed on to the

I know you can provide the user/pass on a commandline. But I want to do
it run time from the url. What can I change or where can I access the
user:pass from the url in the RTSPServer?


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