[Live-devel] mpegts over RTP cause live555 increase memory using.

Lan Zang zanglan at yahoo.com
Mon Feb 25 00:56:23 PST 2013


I want to use class MPEG2TransportUDPServerMediaSubsession as in testOnDemandRTSPServer.cpp to conduct a mpegts/RTP broadcast. I found that after start of the broadcasting, about one or tow minutes, the process using MPEG2TransportUDPServerMediaSubsession will increase the memory using.
        With the help of mcheck, I find the memory increase is caused by new operator(this is almost no help). I can not locate where the memory is allocated or why memory keeps growing. This increased memory can be freed eventually if I stop the RTP source. 

Could you give the hint where the memory consumes or how to avoid it?

Lan Zang(Sander)
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