[Live-devel] Unhandled exception during TEARDOWN
Erlandsson, Claes P (CERLANDS)
CERLANDS at arinc.com
Wed Jan 9 14:41:47 PST 2013
I experience an issue with TEARDOWN that I can't resolve.
I've attached an example (testRTSPClientCycleStreams.cpp) that for me
results in an Unhandled exception after a while; it usually happens after 10
minutes to an hour. The example is the testRTSPClient example with some
modifications to cycle between two streams every 10s.
Summary of the changes:
- Added 10s delayed task in continueAfterPLAY() that calls
- streamTimerHandler() shuts down the running client and starts a new one.
Here are two hardcoded URL's that it switches between. Will most likely work
as well using one stream; just easier to spot different streams in the
output with two.
- Broken up the last part of shutdownStream() and put it in cleanUpStream().
The sendTeardownCommand() function now uses the continueAfterTEARDOWN
response handler. Using the response handler appears to be what is causing
the exception. Never seen the exception when passing NULL.
- Added cleanUpStream() that just performs the last cleanup.
If you have the time to compile and test, it should be enough to change the
URL's on line 391.
The exception appears to occur deep inside the event loop in standard
libraries and I haven't been able to make anything out of it. Would be great
if someone can confirm it happens for them or have any input on how to fix
Also, of course, if you see any issues with the code, please let me know.
I run on a Windows client and have tested with Cisco VSM6 & VSM7 servers.
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