[Live-devel] Unhandled exception during TEARDOWN

Erlandsson, Claes P (CERLANDS) CERLANDS at arinc.com
Mon Jan 28 12:34:28 PST 2013

The crashes are very consistent. Not the frequency, but the location. When
they occur, 602 is always the last message printed. I've attached an output
example. Judging by the callstack it almost looks to me like the printf
would be the cause, but the same thing happens if I remove the debug output,
i.e. 602, and 601 etc.


This however makes no sense at all. What is causing the sudden app crash? I
see no explanation at all in the code.


I suspect that a 'memory smash' - i.e., a write through a bad pointer
(caused by a bug in the code) - is to blame.  If that happens, then a
pointer somewhere else might be getting corrupted, which could lead to an
error like this that occurs in an unexpected place in the code.


I suggest that you run a 'memory debugger' on your application.  See



Some tools that I've seen recommended are

- "Dr. Memory":          http://code.google.com/p/drmemory/

- "OllyDbg":                http://ollydbg.de/




I updated to the latest code (live.2013.01.25.tar) and have been running the
modified testRTSPClient using DrMemory. The exception occurs at DrMemory
Error #10 and #11. The Windows app crash dialog is then displayed and after
closing that the remaining DrMemory info is printed (as can be seen in the
CmdOutput and results.txt files).


I've so far only glanced at this and am not sure how much it helps me, but
passing it on in hope you might spot something useful.



Included files:

- CmdOutput-DrMemory4416.txt : Last part of command prompt output. Includes
the debug messages.

- testRTSPClient.cpp: The modified testRTSPClient source.



- global.4416.log :

- missing_symbols.txt

- results.txt

- suppress.txt



Note:  I shortened global.4416.log (marked with ...SNIP...) as it contained
MB's of the following warning:

WARNING: unreadable or invalid AFD_POLL_INFO





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