[Live-devel] Streaming over TCP crashing

Andrey Shvyrkin ashvyrkin at gosniias.ru
Tue Jul 23 21:57:36 PDT 2013

I should add that in version 06.04.13 of this problem is not observed. I 
also have to add that the testRTSPClient crashes when in the 
"shutdownStream" function instead "exit(exitCode);" of the substitute 
"eventLoopWatchVariable = 1;".

23.07.2013 12:24, Andrey Shvyrkin пишет:
> Hi, Ross. I rebuilt live555MediaServer from the latest source from 
> 2013.07.16.  I have a problem when playing back on stream TCP. 
> Immediately after playing the file until the end is falling and the 
> client and the server. If you set the playing time (that is, not until 
> the end of the file), then everything is fine, like playing on the UDP.
> In the client, in the fall "RTSPClient::handleAlternativeRequestByte1" on
> else if (requestByte == 0xFE) {
>     // Another hack: The new handler of the input TCP socket no longer 
> needs it, so take back control:
>     envir().taskScheduler().setBackgroundHandling(fInputSocketNum, 
> (TaskScheduler::BackgroundHandlerProc*)&incomingDataHandler, this);
> In the server, in the fall "RTPInterface::removeStreamSocket" on
> if ((*streamsPtr)->fStreamSocketNum == sockNum
>     && (*streamsPtr)->fStreamChannelId == streamChannelId) {
>       deregisterSocket(envir(), sockNum, streamChannelId);

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