[Live-devel] Streaming H.264 with MPEG2TS via BasicUDPSink

Vince Li (李威) Vince.Li at quantatw.com
Tue Jul 30 20:27:32 PDT 2013


I’m a new to live555.
I'm trying to use live555 to stream H.264 video which is encoded by x264 and the video source is webcam.

I’ve tried

-          Write my own FramedSource subclass based on DeviceSource

-          Use my own FramedSource, H264VideoStreamFramer and H264VideoRTPSink to stream by RTP.

-          Use my own FramedSource, H264VideoStreamFramer, MPEG2TransportStreamFromESSource and BasicUDPSink to MPEG2TS stream by UDP.

In the RTP case, it works fine.

However, in the UDP case, it got broken image by VLC player often.

The VLC player got broken image is appeared usually when the video bitrate up to 1Mbps or a lot of B-frames.

I noticed there is a tip in FAQ.


The "test*Streamer" test programs read from a file. Can I modify them so that they take input from a H.264 or MPEG encoder instead, so I can stream live (rather than prerecorded) video and/or audio?


Therefore, I changed my video frame source from H264VideoStreamFramer to H264VideoStreamDiscreteFramer, but got broken image still.

Any ideas on how to solve this problem?

Kind Regards,


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