[Live-devel] multicast port of client

kingaceck kingaceck at 163.com
Wed Jun 12 17:39:17 PDT 2013

>> I open two clients(using vlc) at the same host connecting to the same multicast source of live555 and I found that these two clients use the same port of rtp and rtcp
>Yes, of course they do, because that's what multicast means: Each packet is sent - just once -> to a single (multicast) IP address and port number.  (I.e., the IP address and port number are part of the packet, and are therefore the same for each recipient.)
>> I want these two clients at the same host use different port (like unicast),how can I to do?
>You can't, without actually getting two separate unicast streams - one to each port.

If so,these two clients will send RR reports to the server and these RR reports use the same 'reportSenderSSRC'. So,the 'RTPTransmissionStats' will be overwrited and the statistics is confused .


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