[Live-devel] Confirm absolute time playing position on startup

Erlandsson, Claes P (CERLANDS) CERLANDS at arinc.com
Fri Mar 22 14:05:03 PDT 2013

Is this intended, or is it somehow server dependent?


I don't know.  Please show the complete RTSP protocol exchange for each
case, so I can try to figure out what's happening.


I've attached the protocol exchange for the following example:


1. Start up an archive stream without any timestamp.

PLAY rtsp:// RTSP/1.0


2. Seek in that stream.

Range: clock=20130322T200000.000Z-


3. And then, after teardown, start up the same stream with the same

PLAY rtsp:// RTSP/1.0

Range: clock=20130322T200000.000Z-




The response to #2:

Range: clock=20130322T200000Z-20130322T204538Z


The PLAY- response to #3:

Range: clock=20130320T203757Z-20130322T204804Z



So, if I interpret this correctly it's the Cisco server that is

I don't see any specific examples of this in the RFC2326, but appears like
an error to me. Please comment.




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