[Live-devel] Proxy Server REGISTER option

Ross Finlayson finlayson at live555.com
Tue Oct 8 08:30:49 PDT 2013

> When I connect to the registered stream using VLC

FYI, it's better (and easier) to use "openRTSP" (or "testRTSPClient") as your client when testing a server, because you'll also get to see the RTSP protocol exchange at the client end.

> I see "ProxyServerMediaSubsession["H264"]::createNewStreamSource(session id 3742543045)"  with a request to PLAY. 
> Next response is "RTSP/1.0 454 Session Not Found"

This may be a problem with the back-end server.  Is it using our software, or someone else's?

To find out what's going on, please do the following:
1/ Add 
	#define DEBUG 1 to the start of "liveMedia/RTSPServer.cpp"
2/ Recompile liveMedia, and then recompile "live555ProxyServer"
3/ Rerun "live555ProxyServer", with the -V and -R options, as before
4/ Send the "REGISTER" (or "REGISTER_REMOTE") command
5/ Try to play the proxy stream from a RTSP client
6/ Post the complete diagnostic output from the proxy server (up to the 454 error) to the mailing list

Ross Finlayson
Live Networks, Inc.

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