[Live-devel] Loop Streaming File to Live

Ross Finlayson finlayson at live555.com
Mon Apr 21 22:11:03 PDT 2014

> I'm trying to figure out a method to loop stream a file continuously as a Live Stream over RTMP/RTSP.

We don't have anything to do with RTMP (that's a proprietary protocol).  Perhaps you meant RTP

But anyway, 'loop streaming' a file is not something that we support directly.  You would need to write your own data source class (a subclass of "FramedSource") that did this.  Note, however, that you didn't say what kind of file you want to stream.  You couldn't do this for a Transport Stream file, for example, because it contains its own timestamp (PCR) information, which would be incorrect when you read the file a second (etc.) time - unless you explicitly changed the PCR timestamps each time.

Ross Finlayson
Live Networks, Inc.

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