[Live-devel] TS muxer with H264VideoStreamDiscreteFramer ?

Ross Finlayson finlayson at live555.com
Mon Aug 4 01:17:34 PDT 2014

> I am trying to see what could be done with the Transport Stream Muxer provided by live555.
> Starting from the sample testH264VideoToTransportStream.cpp, it seems simple, adding a H264VideoStreamFramer in a MPEG2TransportStreamFromESSource and connect the MPEG2TransportStreamFromESSource to a Sink. Well.
> But our custom FramedSource provide data NAL unit per NAL unit, then :
> -       the implementation of H264VideoStreamFramer using its internal buffer of BANK_SIZE overflow.

If your "FramedSource" subclass delivers discrete NAL units (i.e., one NAL unit at a time), then you *must* use a "H264VideoStreamDiscreteFramer", not a "H264VideoStreamFramer"!

> -       the implementation of H264VideoStreamDiscreteFramer works but H264 start code will not added to the muxed transport stream.

"H264VideoStreamFramer::createNew()" includes an optional parameter "includeStartCodeInOutput" (default value: False).  This parameter is currently not in "H264VideoStreamDiscreteFramer::createNew()".  That was an oversight.  In the next release of the software, I'll add that (optional) parameter to "H264VideoStreamDiscreteFramer::createNew()".  Then you'll be able to feed your "FramedSource" subclass into a "H264VideoStreamDiscreteFramer" (with "includeStartCodeInOutput": True), and then into a "MPEG2TransportStreamFromESSource", etc.

Ross Finlayson
Live Networks, Inc.

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