[Live-devel] Decode Secure RTP on Android, using MediaCodec + MediaCrypto?

Jon Shemitz j.shemitz at samsung.com
Thu Jul 24 11:39:10 PDT 2014

I hope this isn't spam: I'm using VLC to stream camera output over RTSP and, so far as I know, VLC relies on live555 code for that.

Anyhow (as per http://stackoverflow.com/questions/24920200/which-mediacrypto-uuid-do-you-use-with-secure-rtp) I've written  some Android code that does a nice job decoding H264 format RTSP video, using the MediaCodec. But when I have VLC use Secure RTP, I need to pass the MediaCodec a MediaCrypto instance ... which requires a UUID and a byte array of "initialization data".

Can anyone here point me in the right direction?
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